
Containerville Marketing

Commercial Property Marketing, Property Marketing, Property Development Marketing, Development Brand, Containerville, Outdoor Advertising, Hoarding Design, Social Media Design, Integrated Campaign


development brand marketing

Since 2015 we’ve been creating the marketing for ContainerVille, a development of workspaces by The Max Barney Estate.

This is property brand advertising about the people the development was made for - tech, design and fashion firms - playfully reflecting their world back to them. 

Designed to enclose building work and market the development on-site and at Shoreditch High Street, these hoardings celebrate and gently make fun of the diversity of east London and its sometimes painfully hip creative ecosystem.

The hand-drawn narrow-boat-like brand marque combines with letterpress-style type and a happy colour-scheme to deliberately entertain, to be likeable, and to brand the development as being part of it’s landscape and culture.